I have never meet such RUDE PEOPLE in my life! I don't hate him. In the opposite, i was trying to make him like me. How stupid am i??? Well i am not any more. He just have to suck it up and accept the fact that i am in his life! (HAHA! IN YOUR FACE!)
Well, what i actually want to say in this post is about those rude people. It can be anyone. Someone you know, someone you just meet or even your partner. Most of the people around us just tend to give way to them. Wait! Don't get me wrong, giving in to them occasionally is fine. I mean who wants trouble all the time. BUT come on, giving in to them ALL THE TIME also does not make sense! So what if they are older??? I know we are suppose to respect the elderly. But hey, there is something call mutual respect! They are not king of the world! You are not their slave! They need to taste the bitterness of their own doings! They can't just boss people around JUST BECAUSE THEY ARE OLDER! PLEASE people, stand up to them! Stand up for yourself!
P.S. Anyone who misunderstand is them, i am talking about, i am sorry. It is not you. Anyone who got offended, i am sorry. Its just my opinion. (i realise that i have to write this sentence all the time because there will be somehow, somewhere, someone, who will be offended.)
doesnt apply to me in my family...
doesnt apply to you-know-who family also! errr!!!
No need to write that sentence at the end... never apologize for what you feel :)!
Applies to a few people I know :P
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